Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Climate change and the absurdity of today

No rain, hot, dry and likely to stay that way. Whether you believe almost every credible scientist on the planet or not it's certainly hot and dry at the moment.  Food growing is much harder when every season you are either flooded or totally dry. Broccoli sits in the ground waiting for cooler weather and some real water. Apples get sunburn and the end of the stonefruit drops off the tree. However the grapes seem to like it and are super sweet and juicy at the moment. You'll need to hurry in if you want to eat another mango this season, same goes for the white nectarines and the peaches, which are all fast running out. 
In that crazy world of the corporatesphere we have the following beauty
Climate change doesn't exist
However we are investing our money in Sulphur seeding the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight and then dumping iron into the ocean to encourage algae blooms.
Why don't you just stop burning fossil fuels?
Answer: We can make more money and keep polluting. In fact now we can fix the problem caused by our pollution by further polluting.
Please stop buying their ridiculous products and next time you walk past a corporate headquarters flick the bird at them. it won't achieve much but it'll feel good and probably get you arrested.
In election news our leader sells whats left of her soul to try and win votes in Western Sydney. Has it really come to this? Do our leaders need to pander to minorities to try and win government? I've no doubt they're following the pollsters who tell them to say such things as "We'll have the police keep an eye on Asylum seekers for you" Really? Is that in case one of them gets a job and tries to become a useful and empowered citizen, feeding, housing and clothing themselves? We wouldn't want that would we. If that happened instead of forking out $200,000 for every caged human we might only need to spend $25,000 and have them free range and help build a better and more tolerant society. 
Speaking of free range Coles has just announced it's new standard for free range eggs. It's 7 times smaller than the last standard but makes shitloads more money. Time we stuck the corporate headquarters of our supermarkets in a cage and put them in a tent on Nauro. 
Then there's Tony. He's going to win an election but saying and doing nothing. Then he's going to govern by saying lots of things you don't want to hear and doing lots of things you don't want him to do. Are we really going to vote him into power. It's so ridiculous it's funny.. Besides  in the end  he's not governing those damn corporations are. .
Oh and thanks for resigning Ted, you were a first rate dickhead